Council conducting house visits for Dog registration

Gladstone Regional Council is appreciative of the majority of responsible dog owners in our region who continue to register and microchip their animals.

From February to July, Council’s Authorised Officers will be conducting house to house visits and take enforcement action with owners that had dogs registered in 2022/23 but have not renewed registration for the current registration period 2023/24.

Council is appreciative of the majority of responsible dog owners in our region who continue to register and microchip their animals.

This makes it easy for Council to understand how many pets are in the region and to reunite animals when they stray from home.

Unfortunately, a small minority of animal owners continue to disregard their mandated responsibility towards their pets.

Any new dogs sighted will be issued a Direction to Remedy and owners will be given 14 days to register their dog.

The fine for an unregistered animal is $309 and for failure to register after this is $774. Continued failure to register your animal may result in the animal being seized by Council at the owner’s expense.

Authorised Officers will also conduct inspections of registered regulated dogs to ensure they are being kept in accordance with the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.