Gladstone’s Deputy Mayor, Kahn Goodluck has once again put up his hand to run for council in the up-and-coming local election in March.
Kahn said the reason he stepped forward again as a candidate is to do everything he can to ensure his region can offer the same opportunities and more to his children and the future generations.
“It has been a great honour to serve our community as the Deputy Mayor for the past four years, but there is lots more work to do and I’m hopeful that our community will put their faith in me once again to continue to work hard for the Gladstone Region,” Kahn shares.
“The Gladstone Region is home for my kids and I and is the perfect place for a balanced lifestyle, where people have the opportunity to earn a good living to provide for their families, enjoy the great outdoors, our beautiful harbour and beaches, as well as camping and fishing in our national parks.”
Kahn is a director on the board of Apprenticeships and Trainees Qld, and as a tradesman himself he says he knows what a life changing opportunity that can be for someone.
He is also the Chair of the Roseberry Services Gladstone Headspace Consortium, an early intervention mental health support service for youth and President of the Boyne Tannum Arts Business and Community Association Inc who run BAM (Beach Arts Music) at Tannum Sands and Under The Trees Music Festival at Boyne Island.
Kahn has been a proud part of seeing Gladstone Regional Council reduce its debt of $168 million in 2016 to $88 million, with no extra borrowings.
“I pride myself to be available to all in our community to help answer questions and advocate for solutions to issues whenever they arise.”