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Easter gardening in Gladstone

This long weekend each year provides many gardeners with the green light to start the preparation for spring displays and or garden competitions. Starting...

World Water Day – a Call to Action

As agriculturalists we understand and appreciate all too well how water is the essence of life - critical for sustainable development, healthy ecosystems, and...

OUT AND ABOUT at Tannum Pub

Last weekend Gladstone Today photographer DEBBIE BUCKLAND dropped into the Tannum Pub to capture ladies getting creative at the Brushes and Brews Paint and...

The saga of Topaz the kookaburra

The saga of the Blue-winged Kookaburra In early February a truck travelling from North Queensland to Brisbane arrived at Rocklea to find a Blue-winged Kookaburra...

Central Queensland landholders receive new land valuations

More than 61,700 properties across Central Queensland received land valuations on Tuesday, 26 March 2024. The new valuations cover the Whitsunday, Isaac, Livingstone, Central Highlands...

New bill amendment to squash social media crime posting

This week, the Federal Coalition introduced the Crimes and Online Safety Legislation Amendment (Combatting Online Notoriety) Bill 2024 into Parliament that seeks to crack...

Words to live by

In 1957, Narelle Wright was 12 years old when she impulsively made a decision that would change the course of her life and create...

Gladstone is blooming

I love this time of the year, the weather has cooled a little, we have had a little rain and Autumn has not really...

Get hooked on volunteering

The Gladstone Area Water Board and NFP House have joined forces to launch the Aquaculture Gladstone Volunteer Program. NFP House is now recruiting...

JCU breaks ground on $4.2M rural health facility

There's been a strong and steady pulse of support as James Cook University begins construction on a $4.2 million facility designed to offer world-class...

OUT AND ABOUT at The Little Mermaid

This week Gladstone Today photographer DEBBIE BUCKLAND captured the excitement of the audience, staff and crew of the 2024 Combined Schools Musical - Disney’s...

Boyne Tannum Men’s Shed

A large group of current and past members, plus their partners and supporters attended the 10th Birthday and Book Launch celebrations at their Boyne...

On This Day: Pancake Day!

Fluffy, golden discs of happiness that make mornings magical, there's nothing quite like a stack of pancakes to start your day off right. With a...