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Boy passes away from flu

A two-year-old boy has died in Gladstone Hospital reportedly after contracting influenza A. A Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service spokesperson said they were unable...

Oystercatchers can be found everywhere

This week we look at the Australian Pied Oystercatcher. It is a wading bird that is black and white with pink/red eyes, bill and...

Exhibitions and workshop highlight the art of First Nations people

As NAIDOC Week 2022 approaches, Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) is launching exhibitions profiling the art of First Nations people. NAIDOC and This Place...

Lifeblood calls for winter donors

Australian Red Cross Lifeblood needs 4000 Queenslanders to roll up their sleeves over the next week, as an escalating cold and flu season sees...

‘Hour of Power’ to address rural healthcare crisis

Prominent advocates, influencers and policy leaders will take part in what’s being called the ‘Hour of Power’ as part of the Rural Doctors Association...

Gladstone students’ insight to STEM

Students had an insight to all things STEM at a workshop last Thursday. Hosted by Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA), Year 10 high...

Take a half-time break

With the NRL State of Origin kicking off in Sydney on Wednesday night, Australians are being encouraged to take a half-time toilet break during...

GroundProbe, Orica gift $300K grant to region’s schools

Brisbane-based global market leader, GroundProbe has provided a $300,000 grant to Gladstone schools with help from the Orica Impact Fund. GroundProbe CEO and founder...

‘Triple-J’ inspired festival returns to Miriam Vale

What started as a last minute idea has turned into one of Central Queensland’s up and coming festivals. Spring in the Vale is returning...

Moura, Gladstone and Biloela school kids discover STEM

Primary schoolkids from 12 schools across Moura, Gladstone and Biloela have discovered the amazing world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) after being...

Banks get ‘woke’ and trendy

In December last year the Governor of the Bank of England, Andrew Bailey, convened a virtual summit of Central Bank Governors to discuss ......

Thank you, and goodbye

So this edition of Gladstone Today marks my last one. It’s surreal to think that my time here as a journalist is coming to a...

Oval office clash opens path to understanding and peace

Most Australian political leaders have condemned China's decision to undertake live fire naval exercises directly beneath the most trafficked air route between New Zealand...