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Kirkwood Reservoir set to come online

Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) will begin flushing water mains this week in order to bring the Kirkwood Reservoir online and provide water for the...

Word on the street: Gladstone’s live music scene

Do you think Gladstone needs more live music venues? Eve and Scott Eve: BAM once a month, and Bundy is having a concert coming...

Print Photo Competition

In March, the Rockhampton Photography Club once again held their monthly competition night in their clubroom in the Walter Reid Cultural Centre, rather than...

Future depends on coal

This week Australia gifted 70,000 tonnes of coal to Ukraine to help their war effort. We are a long way from this conflict and...

Attracting beautiful birds

Finally it feels like Summer has passed and Autumn is here. Notice the bird life in the mornings or afternoons going from flower to...

Lack of respect in hiring

I have been hearing some disappointing recruitment stories recently, ones that truly resonate with me as I have previously experienced a lot of it...

Watt’s deal on disaster funding?

ALP Senator Murray Watt says the Federal Government's failed regions like Central Queensland with its $4 billion dollar Emergency Response Fund. Established in 2019, the...

Call for National Service

A former CQ councillor has called for the reintroduction of National Service as a way of working for the dole. Rose Swadling’s comments about National...

Choughs are social creatures

This image shows a White-winged Chough! Because Choughs are of similar size and colour, people often mistake them for Crows or Australian Ravens! However,...

Make a commitment to small business

Most of us are feeling the effects of uncertainty in this somewhat post-Covid-19 world. Labour shortages, supply chain disruptions and rising input costs, including insurances...

Opinion: Fuel is more expensive because the free world?

The Editor, Today Gladstone, Matt Canavan in his opinion piece 10/3/2022 seems very confused. He says our fuel is more expensive because the free...

Sharks, turtles found left in 50m net on Gladstone beach

Investigations are underway after a 50-metre abandoned net was found off Gladstone waters. A member of the public notified the Department of Agriculture and...

Community Events Billboard

Weekly events Gladstone Boardgames Group The board games nights are the first and third Friday of every month and Blood on the Clocktower is every Thursday...

Wild week of storms