While we can stand proudly by our record of being the only industry in Australia to tangibly reduce our net emissions since 1999 – we have also been very clear that it is not all about carbon or emissions.
Rather it is about considering all of the elements of ‘Natural Capital’ of which carbon is but one critical component.
This concept led to the development of AgCarE (agcare.org.au/) – a premier platform for assessing, verifying, and monetising natural capital for agricultural producers at their property level.
At its core, it empowers landholders to unlock environmental and financial opportunities not available previously.
It turns out those AgForce producers who built AgCarE so painstakingly and carefully, were visionaries, as that mantra of `it not being all about carbon’ is now being picked up and applied by others.
In recent months several major American Banks have left the ‘Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA)’, an alliance that focused solely on carbon in a way that we argue was detrimental to landscapes, broader biodiversity, the environment and economic resilience.
What an opportunity this change of perspective now presents going into the Australian 2025 federal election.
It’s a powerful chance for industry to seek strong commitments from all parties to fundamentally reform the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act as part of their platform. AgForce, as Queensland’s State Farming delegate to the National Farmers Federation, will drive this as a key initiative within the election campaign.
Given the actions of these international banks, alongside the now proven AgCarE platform, this represents a real chance to fundamentally reset the conversation.
This moment can be magnified further if we all lean into the verbal exchange in the lead up to the election whenever we can.
At barbecues, in the supermarket, at community gatherings, let’s use every chance we can to tell our industry story and the opportunity we have to understand, manage and leverage natural capital on property for the benefit of the broader populace.
Carbon is important, but it is only one important component of a much bigger opportunity and conversation.
When the federal election date is set we’ll start providing more information to help people have these conversations in their communities with confidence.
Whether you are a member of AgForce or another representative group, lean onto these organisations to get what you need and then let’s ensure we are heard by as many Australians as possible, as well as our potential Members of Parliament for the next term.