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Community Events Billboard

Saturday 24 June Mt Larcom and District Show Come and join in on one of the biggest regional shows within the CQ Region. Featuring a new...

A male Magpie Lark

The nest building process for Magpie-larks is a very interesting. Both male and female birds work together to build a bowl-shaped nest on a...

Plant powerline smart

A problem that occurs all across Queensland is that many people plant the wrong sized trees under powerlines. Than at the same time there...

White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike

The White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike is a medium sized slender bird that grows to around 25cm long. They are grey on the head and back, white...

Peas for Paddy’s Day

FIRE SPIKES There is a shrub with really unusual flowers, borne on purplish-black flower stalks with large spikes of bright blood red flowers. Terri of...

Spangled Drongo

When seen in good light, one of the most attractive things about the bird in this photo, is its iridescent blue/green, spangled plumage! It...

Gladstone’s Jasmines

At the moment the Night-Flowering Jasmines are flowering so well around the Gladstone Region. This Jasmine would be the most popular of the Jasmine...

The humidity lover

Whether it is the blustering dry heat of the west to the obsessive humidity of the coast it is uncomfortable outside in the middle...

Grey butcherbird

Closely related to Magpies, Butcherbirds are one of the songbirds of the Australian bush with their own beautiful and very complex song! Smaller than...

Masked lapwing

Commonly seen in pairs or groups in parks, gardens and in urban areas, the Masked Lapwings – usually called Plovers – are medium sized,...

Psychadelic Wonders

There are so many wonders of nature but in the plant world plants with multi-coloured or iridescent colourings of the foliage and trunks have...

Meteor shot

Noel Sawtell kindly sent in this time lapse of the stars where he captured a meteor passing through his line of sight.

Calliope’s Ryan Mann earns golden victory in Mount Morgan

Calliope’s Ryan Mann won his first Central Queensland major after taking out the 2025 CQ Junior Sand Greens A Grade Championship. Held at Mount Morgan...